Output Riset

No.JudulNama-nama DosenDihasilkan/ Dipublikasikan PadaTahun Penyajian/ PublikasiLembaga Sitasi
1The Development of Web-based Graphical User Interface for Learning and FittingGeneralized Estimating Equation with Spline SmoothersProf. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D.Jurnal Ilmu Dasar
2The Development of Web-based Graphical User Interface for Unified Modeling Data with Multi (Correlated) ResponsesProf. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2018SCOPUS
3Analisis Diskriminan untuk Validasi Cluster pada Studi Kasus Pengelompokan Kecamatan di Kabupaten Jember Berdasarkan Status KemiskinanProf. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D.Jurnal Ilmu Dasar
4Reduction tree to determine estimators from the multivariate interval censored dataDr. Moh. Fatekurohman M.Si.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2019SCOPUS
5Survival Analysis of Sea Turtles Eggs Hatching Success using Cox non Proportional Hazard RegressionDr. Moh. Fatekurohman, M.Si.Jurnal ILMU DASAR2019Sinta
6Comparison of exact, efron and breslow parameter approach method on hazard ratio and stratified cox regression modelDr. Moh. Fatekurohman, M.Si.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2018SCOPUS
7An algorithm of Saxena-Easo on fuzzy time series forecastingDr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.SiIOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2018SCOPUS
8Ensemble averaging and stacking of ARIMA and GSTAR model for rainfall forecastingDr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.SiIOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2018SCOPUS
9Likelihood Function For Univariate Interval Censored DataDr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.SiJurnal: BERKALA SAINSTEK2018Sinta
10Text Mining pada Media Sosial TwitterDr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.SiProsiding SNMA 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.2018Google Scholar
11The Geographical Clustering of The Rainfall Stations on Seasonal GSTAR Modeling for Rainfall Forecasting
Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.SiIOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2018SCOPUS
12Reduction tree to determine estimators from the multivariate interval censored dataDr. Mohamad Fatekurohman, M.Si.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2019Scopus
13The Visual Method of Genetic Expression Classifying in Lymphoma Cancer Using Support Vector MachineDian Anggraeni, M.Si.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2019Scopus
14Classification of genetic expression in prostate cancer using support vector machine methodDian Anggraeni, M.Si.IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series2019Scopus
15Support vector regression in statistical downscaling for rainfall forecastingDian Anggraeni, M.SiInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR)2020Scopus
16Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis on Statistical Downscaling for Local Rainfall ForecastingAbduh Riski, M.Si,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS)2020Scopus
17Application of Statistical Downscaling with Principal Component Regression for Local Rainfall Forecasting in Jember RegencyDr. Alfian Futuhul HadiJournal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS)2020Scopus