1 | The Development of Web-based Graphical User Interface for Learning and FittingGeneralized Estimating Equation with Spline Smoothers | Prof. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D. | Jurnal Ilmu Dasar
| 2017 | Sinta |
2 | The Development of Web-based Graphical User Interface for Unified Modeling Data with Multi (Correlated) Responses | Prof. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2018 | SCOPUS |
3 | Analisis Diskriminan untuk Validasi Cluster pada Studi Kasus Pengelompokan Kecamatan di Kabupaten Jember Berdasarkan Status Kemiskinan | Prof. Drs. I Made Tirta, Ph.D. | Jurnal Ilmu Dasar
| 2018 | Sinta |
4 | Reduction tree to determine estimators from the multivariate interval censored data | Dr. Moh. Fatekurohman M.Si. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2019 | SCOPUS |
5 | Survival Analysis of Sea Turtles Eggs Hatching Success using Cox non Proportional Hazard Regression | Dr. Moh. Fatekurohman, M.Si. | Jurnal ILMU DASAR | 2019 | Sinta |
6 | Comparison of exact, efron and breslow parameter approach method on hazard ratio and stratified cox regression model | Dr. Moh. Fatekurohman, M.Si. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2018 | SCOPUS |
7 | An algorithm of Saxena-Easo on fuzzy time series forecasting | Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.Si | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2018 | SCOPUS |
8 | Ensemble averaging and stacking of ARIMA and GSTAR model for rainfall forecasting | Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.Si | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2018 | SCOPUS |
9 | Likelihood Function For Univariate Interval Censored Data | Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.Si | Jurnal: BERKALA SAINSTEK | 2018 | Sinta |
10 | Text Mining pada Media Sosial Twitter | Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.Si | Prosiding SNMA 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. | 2018 | Google Scholar |
11 | The Geographical Clustering of The Rainfall Stations on Seasonal GSTAR Modeling for Rainfall Forecasting
| Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi, M.Si | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2018 | SCOPUS |
12 | Reduction tree to determine estimators from the multivariate interval censored data | Dr. Mohamad Fatekurohman, M.Si. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2019 | Scopus |
13 | The Visual Method of Genetic Expression Classifying in Lymphoma Cancer Using Support Vector Machine | Dian Anggraeni, M.Si. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2019 | Scopus |
14 | Classification of genetic expression in prostate cancer using support vector machine method | Dian Anggraeni, M.Si. | IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series | 2019 | Scopus |
15 | Support vector regression in statistical downscaling for rainfall forecasting | Dian Anggraeni, M.Si | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) | 2020 | Scopus |
16 | Neural Network and Principal Component Analysis on Statistical Downscaling for Local Rainfall Forecasting | Abduh Riski, M.Si, | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) | 2020 | Scopus |
17 | Application of Statistical Downscaling with Principal Component Regression for Local Rainfall Forecasting in Jember Regency | Dr. Alfian Futuhul Hadi | Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS) | 2020 | Scopus |